Friday, November 2, 2012

Nepal pictures up!

I finally took some time to go through all these pictures that are piling up! I've gotten through the Nepal batch, including everything from our time in Pokhara, Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Nagarkot. Now I can move onto the almost 3,000 pictures I've taken in Turkey over the last month!

Here's a little preview: click on the links for more.

Pokhara: (blog) (pictures)

Amitabha Monastery: (blog) (pictures)

Boudhanath Stupa: (pictures) 

Basantapur Durbar Square: (blog) (pictures)

Swambhunath Stupa: (blog) (pictures)

Downtown Kathmandu: (blog) (pictures)

Bhaktapur: (blog) (pictures)

Nagarkot: (blog) (pictures)


  1. I can't wait to get home and actually be able to look at all your pictures. Right now we don't have the bandwidth here in the village to open that many pictures. Stay safe and keep the blogs coming!!

  2. Andy: Totally understand that--most of your bandwidth is spent uploading your own pictures at the moment, I'm sure. I have a little patch of work here, but will be back on the blogging wagon next week or so. Safe travels yourself!
