Sunday, July 8, 2012

Material Liberation

So here we are about four weeks from our departure date. We've been slowly trying to get rid of all the stuff we don't need: essentially everything. I must say, this liberation from earthly possessions is a most welcome side effect of the trip; the more time passes, the more I want to get rid of! Both the US and Japan are highly materialistic societies—we let stuff rule our lives entirely too much.

Also, in the US especially debt is almost taken as a given, whether it be credit cards, student loans, car loans or house loans. But they don't have to behaving none of those is a big factor in what gave us the financial freedom to take this trip in the first place. I finished paying off my last (student) loan about a year ago. It was at this point I could finally start saving money in earnest, first for our wedding and then for this trip.

The whole point of traveling is that all that is essential to you will fit in one bag that goes on your back. It weighs maybe 7-8 kgs (roughly 15 lbs. for the metrically-challenged). The few things I am holding onto are: my iPhone, one of the traveler's best friends; my newly purchased camera to record memories; and a laptop, my source of income. Those, a few pairs of clothes and my wife are all I need to survive. Okay, so maybe my wife won't fit in the bag, but you get my drift. ;)

If you're planning a trip or just moving across town, I urge you to take it as an opportunity to reassess your material priorities. Don't let your stuff own you! Go ahead, throw away all that unneeded stuff weighing you down. While you're at it, get rid of that debt and only live within your means. Try it some time, it's liberating.

Do you have too much stuff or debt weighing you down? Worried about it keeping you from traveling? Have any other thoughts on this topic? Let us know.


  1. Amen brother!! I know the feeling, and it is sweet. Dumb all that junk and hit the road, you won't regret it. I am getting excited along with you.

  2. Look forward to more updates to come! We just got our tickets sorta tonight, so will have to write something up on those soon.
